助他人一臂之力 学习五种主动提供帮助的英文表达

You seem to be struggling with that printer. Is there anything I can do? 看来你被那台打印机难住了,有什么我能做的吗? 2. Can I give you a hand?我能帮你吗? 表达give someone a hand 或 lend someone a hand 的意思是“帮助某人”。 Those books look really h...

Sometimes the best gift is the one you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself credit for what I'd accomplished so far and permission to go forward, unafraid. It is th...

一名女子在车厢内吃瓜子乱扔瓜子壳 经旁人提醒后 她用英文回怼劝阻者 据目击者@Tusedad 称,事件发生在10月31日下午广州地铁四号线上,在大学城北站到万胜围站之间。一名女子手推行李箱...


A. arrive at C. work out B. submit to D. give up [解答]D。句意:同学们就要放弃这些问题时,他们突然找到了答案。 [试题]After three days our food ___, and we had to return to our camp. A. gave up B. gave off C. gave out D. gave away [解答...

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